Our family in front of the Mayflower II. The original Mayflower left the Pilgrims in the New World and sailed away. They are not sure what happened to it after that - I guess they didn't know that we'd want to make a museum out of it.
Anyways, the Mayflower II was designed to look like what they thought the Mayflower may have looked like, yeah, it's not even a copy of the real thing because it disappeared into obscurity. It was interesting however, because we got to see the living quarters where 102 Pilgrims would have lived during their trans-Atlantic ocean voyage. Horribly tiny, cramped, damp, and dark. It's no wonder that they were sick and that so many of them died in those conditions. It must have been gross because their livestock went down there with them. It's amazing what people will do for freedom and the opportunity for a new life.