Changing Fast

Lissette is growing and changing so fast! In front of my eyes she's changing from an infant to a toddler. I've enjoyed the special time with her as an infant, and I mourn it's passing, but I also enjoy seeing more of her personality expressed in her new achievements. She is growing more adventurous and independant everyday.
At Sabbath School last week, Lissette took her first steps. Recently, she has enjoyed standing on her own two feet, and looks down at them as if she can't believe it herself. She's climbing things more now, and enjoying the view from up higher than her 31 inches normally allows. She occasionally says, "Yes", or "Num, Num", and surprised us this morning with, "All Done." She shakes her head "no" when she doesn't want something, and also for entertainment. Michael and I have tried shaking our heads for entertainment, and I have to say that I think Lissette is onto something there! Try it!