Spruce Creek Trail "tick junction"

After doing a lot of climbing, you emerge from the forest into an oak woodland with open grassy areas. We took a break for a snack under the shade of an oak tree. We were trying to find the trail and figure out how to get to camp. There were a lot of cow trails, and at the junction, there are no markings pointing which trail to take. Using our binoculars, we finally found the trail. It was dug out and a lot more established further down the trail. On our return, we left ducks along the trail to help people figure out where the heck the trail went.
I call this place "tick junction" because on our return trip, we stopped under the same tree for lunch, only to discover that we had ticks crawling on us. We really should've known better because all of the trail guides we read warned of the prolific ticks in the area, plus it looked like some deer liked to rest in the shade of the oak too.