This is one of the bear tracks that we found along the road as we were hiking. We came to a rock outcropping near the top of the mountain and began noticing a lot of bear tracks around that outcropping. We decided that the bear spent a lot of time near that spot. We had to decide whether to keep going up the mountain, there was getting to be a lot more snow, and I was hiking in my Tevas. Or to go back down the road a ways and try to find a nice camping spot.
We decided to go back down. We didn't get as far of a hike as we had wanted, but we didn't want to sleep in snow, or with a bear nearby.
We found a nice spot with a "creek" made from the snow run-off, where we could resupply our water. There was a nice spot protected by the wind by large rocks where we put our campfire and our tent. A little way off there was a good tree for hanging our packs in so the bears wouldn't be attracted to our site. Oh, if you're racking your brain trying to figure out what I'd like for my birthday, a bear canister would be a great pick!
Anyways, the wildlife in our campsite mosly consisted of birds. We got to see and hear a lot of the Yellow-Rumped Warbler, Mountain Chickadee, Scrub Jay, Mountain Quail and Northern Flicker. We also saw some Bushy-Tailed Tree Rats, also called Squirrels, which Oscar was always on the watchout for.