This is a picture of us on what I'd like to title "The Lost Backpacking Trip." The trail we were originally supposed to pack was closed, and the other trail we were trying to find wasn't marked. We still don't know exactly where we were. We were trying to find Brown Meadow, and the Clear Creek Trailhead, but never did. This was an OK substitute though.
We were prepared to hike/camp in weather conditions similar to Tehachapi, but we ended up on top of a mountain at about 7000' or more. We think that we were hiking near Piute Peak, which is 8400' elevation. There was plenty of snow on the ground still, and I had capris and sandals on. We did fine though, luckily we always pack layers of clothes, plus we had the baby, the dog, and us all packed into a 1.5 person backpack tent. So, we were cozy! Too cozy!!!
We'd still like to find Brown Meadow and the Clear Creek trail. It's close to home, so we don't have to break the piggy to buy gas for the trip. It is supposed to have a year round creek also, which is extremely rare in this area of the world. Maybe we'll just buy that topo map, or better yet a GPS!