Bad Day

Friday the 16th... it was a very bad day! I spent the day running around town trying to pull our lives together. I was able to get a storage unit for us, and so I felt pretty lucky. I thought that maybe I could find us a rental that would allow us to rent, month-to-month instead of signing a lease. It is a bit like searching for a needle in a haystack. We wanted to have the cat and dog too, but that is pressing our luck a little too far, so I called some friends and asked to pawn the dog off on them. I'll sell the cat or give it to some sucker.
Anyways, Lissette and I spent the day running around looking at rentals, turning keys back in to the realtor, and looking at more rentals.
The rental office closed for lunch so I thought that I'd unload our truck full of storage items into the newly leased storage unit. The truck drove fine for about, 1.5 miles, when in the middle of a busy intersection, it just died on me. I couldn't get it to start, there was a semi truck behind me, I was backing up traffic and making a big scene, nevermind in an extremely dangerous predicament. I tried to push the truck by myself, but with it full of storage items I couldn't get it to budge. A gentleman helped me get it out of the intersection, but it wasn't off of the road. I prayed, cried, cursed, called Michael, and cried some more. Then I got out and tried to push it off of the road further, I managed a few feet, but got stuck and rolled backwards, pushed it back again, and finally another gentleman helped me get it off of the road. I was pretty shook up and tired, and now we had no stroller, and it was noon and hot. Lissette started to get a sunburn so I pulled her out of her seat and called Sheila to come pick us up. My hero!!!
We got home, thanks to our ride, and I threw Lissette's carseat into the car to return the overdue rental keys to the office. On the way to the realty office I heard something funny in my car. Too busy...must keep driving. It got worse after I had dropped off the keys, and so I stopped at Sonic to check the oil...and get a slushie. It was very hot, and the air conditioning helped little because we were in and out of the car so much.
The car had no oil. The dipstick was bone dry!!! I didn't dare drive it the 1/4 mile to AutoZone, so we walked it. 3 quarts later, we were on our way again. More realty office junk, promises that they STILL haven't lived up to, etc..
Then, at 4 PM on a Friday, I got to go grocery shopping, run home to make dinner, and get ready for the Sabbath. It was a very bad day!!