Congrats to my former Pathfinder!

My former Pathfinder is now a newlywed. It's so weird to see them grow up, make a life, and move away!
Maryann Harris married Marcus Coates on Saturday, June 17th. She was a beautiful bride, and he was a handsome groom. The wedding was in Bakersfield, on a hot afternoon, but it turned out really well. The wedding homily was very nice, and the reception was fun. Marcus sang Maryann a sweet!
I wish them all the happiness that married life can offer! I'm glad to see how happy they make each other, and think that they're such a cute couple! I hope that they grow together, in God. I pray that God will protect Marcus while he serves our country in Iraq, and that God will make Maryann strong while she waits for her new hubby's safe return.
Congratulations to you Maryann! You have found the path that your life will follow and a partner to share the journey! Stay close to God and He will establish your new family in Heaven!