Baby at 11 Weeks

This is a picture I got from my new favorite book, "Your Pregnancy Week by Week." It gives a picture of the baby's development every week and shows you the actual size. I can't guarantee that what you see on the screen is the same "actual size" that I saw in the book, but just so you can judge, the baby is the size of a large lime.
Just about everything is there already and working. As I said in a previous post, we got to see the baby's heart pumping. Very amazing that in just 9 weeks of growth I've got a real human in me! In the past, I had considered abortion a woman's choice. But now that I've been pregnant before, and now know how early they are fully developed and working human beings, I can't support abortion. It's murder, even if it makes the woman's life very inconvenient, even if it is not wanted, abortion is murder.
Ok, enough of my soapbox comments. I just can't believe how amazing and miraculous a baby can be! The pregnancy is already going by so quickly it seems, but I can't wait to meet our newest little member of the family! Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that my due date is somewhere around St. Patricks Day.


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