Setty has Roseola
Well, yesterday morning I found out why Lissette has had such a fever. I had thought that it was teething, since she's getting her primary molars in right now. However, on Wednesday morning she broke out with a rash all over her upper body. I took her to the Dr. in Bakersfield yesterday, and they diagnosed her with Roseola. I thought that some of you with little ones might like some of the info on Roseola that I've gotten from the Dr.
Roseola is human herpes virus #6. Apparently, it is a very common, non-serious virus that most people get by their 3rd birthday. Adults cannot develop the virus, and children over 4 years old cannot get it either. It is most common in children 6 months to 2 years of age. The symptoms are: high fever of 103-105 degrees for 3-5 days, followed immediately by a rash which lasts for 1-3 days. Other symptoms include: sleeplessness, fussyness, lack of appetite & occasionally febrile seizures.
The treatment is just to keep the fever under control with infant Tylenol/Motrin. Take the child to the Dr. if their temperature reaches 104 degrees or more, or if they start having seizures. The rash is not itchy, thank God!!! Apparently 95% of the adult population has had this virus when they were infants/toddlers, and only adults with immune deficiencies seem to develop it.
The OB/GYN is going to have me visit the Genetic Counselor after my first visit, to discuss what may happen to the baby because of my exposure. From my research online, I don't think that it will be a serious risk, but there is a chance that the baby may have congenital defects because of my exposure to the virus in early term. Please keep this in prayer, I'm a little worried, but trying not to be.
Lissette no longer has a fever, but she is very fussy, and doesn't sleep well at night. The last two nights have been really rough, but I'm hoping that this will pass soon. I can't take her out in public until the rash is gone, since this is a very contagious virus. I have no idea where she picked it up, but she could have been exposed as far back as 12 days before her first symptom, which was fever on Sabbath afternoon.
Hope the info helps you if one of your little buggers comes down with a mysterious high fever. I tried to post a picture of Lissette & her rash, but the Blogger is having technical difficulties. I'll try to repost it later.