Hotel Life for a Week

We recently took a trip to Reno with Michael. He had an AIAA conference there, at which he was speaking about Autonomous Soaring. We left home on Sunday and came back Friday. Lissette & I got to hang out in the hotel room, watch Disney channel, ride the elevator & most importantly - spend more time with Michael. Michael works away from home about 12 hrs. a day and only gets to spend an hour or so with Lissette each night after work. So, it was really nice to have 3 meals together & see him during his breaks! We didn't do a whole lot, just relaxed & enjoyed a week of family closeness & no housework!!
We stayed at the Grand Sierra Resort & Casino in Reno. It was much less casinoey than the other hotels in the area & the convention was downstairs, so it was very convenient. Our room was on the 25th of 27 floors, great view, but scary!