News Flash

Hello! If you haven't already heard the news...We are relocating to Washington state. Michael got a job with Insitu Corp. in the Columbia Gorge & we'll be moving there to start work on May 21st. There is lots to do & not much time to do it, so expect new posts after the 21st of May.


Garden Girl said…
Wow! Congratulations! Please e-mail me with your new contact info when you get there (gotta keep the Christmas cards coming). Hope all goes well with the move. Take care and God bless!
Anonymous said…
Wow and I don't even know what b l o g means. I have pics to send when you post your e-mail address with the church family in Tehachapi. If you ever get up to Goldendale invite Jon and Amy to church. God Bless. Trunkey

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