Here are some pictures of my chubby bubby (he is 18 lbs. 10 oz.). Christopher is really developing a personality. He's pretty sweet-natured & very loving, but he has got a real drive lately to see & explore...everything. He is sitting up on his own & rolling over both directions. In fact, we've found him rolling around the living room in search of stuff to grab.

Christopher is teething, but still shows no signs of actually cutting teeth yet. He wants to chew on everything, especially my knuckles. I let him sit at the dinner table with the family, he's not quite tall enough, but likes to "chew" on the table. Good thing he doesn't have any teeth!

Christopher is trying to communicate a little more now too. He says "mama" & blows bubbles alot. He just started making a "th, th" sound. But my favorite thing he does is when he hears music or us singing, he coos along with it.