Christopher at 10 Months

Christopher has been changing very quickly. He crawls super fast & is getting into everything. He pulls up & wobbles around; he eats just about anything you give him; he enjoys playing with his sister; & he is non-stop! I decided that I had to catch some pictures of him in this super cute phase of development before he's grown into the next stage - toddler.


Garden Girl said…
He looks all boy, if you know what I mean! It is so sad that both he and Libby are almost into the toddler stage now. But it is so good to see them growing and changing even if it goes a little too fast for mommy.
Anonymous said…
As I look at these pix's of Christopher, I see his Uncle Andrew, when he was that age!
Enjoy him at this stage of life it goes by so fast !!!
Love, Mom L.

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