Not to be outdone by his sister....

Whether Christopher was trying to copy his sister, or not wanting to be outdone by her,

Christopher ended up in the hospital last week too. He had already been diagnosed by his Dr. as having RSV & Pneumonia & had seen her that week. She told me that he was very borderline & if I felt his temperature was out of control, his respirations were over 60 per minute, or he was dehydrated that we should take him to the ER right away. There were a couple of times when his fever got high, but he responded to Ibuprophen well, so we decided not to take him to the ER. But on Friday, when I thought he was actually doing better, I got a reality check. Christopher kept fussing & wanted to be held constantly. I'd put him down to catch up on some of my out of control housework, & he'd crawl behind me fussing & asking to be picked up. He's been teething too so I thought he was just fussy from that, but when I sat down with him I noticed his respirations were really short & fast. I counted them & he averaged about 63 per minute. I gave him a nebulizer treatment & a tepid bath hoping that he'd feel a little better. His respirations were then 70 per minute & I noticed that his lips were turning blue, so without any hesitation, in fact, with a bit of panic, I packed him up & drove to the ER. By the time we were in the ER his respirations were in the 50's & his oxygen saturations was in the high 90's. The Dr. didn't feel comfortable sending us home after seeing that the pneumonia had progressed in the xrays. So he sent us to Emmanuel Children's Hospital in Portland (yeah the same place we went with Setty Bug) for them to evaluate & watch him overnight. No ambulance ride, no oxygen, no IV's, just observation & nebulizer treatments. Praise the Lord!! We were out of there by the next day & Christopher was feeling much better. I don't know why his coughing got better, or his oxygen sats were good, but I know a lot of people were praying for him & I have a good God! The pneumonia that we've been dealing with is viral, which means that antibiotics don't work on it. The antibiotics that we did receive for both of the kids were to treat other side issues, such as ear infections & pink eye. There is not much that you can do for viral pneumonia, other than pray, and I've found that prayer is so much more powerful than antibiotics...or pneumonia! Thank you so much for keeping us in your prayers. The kids are both doing well & seem to be gaining their health back again. They may continue to cough for months, but we are through the worst part of it, it seems. It is so good to see my kids smiling again!!!


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