Double-Dug Raised Vegetable Beds

I've been reading a book called "How to Grow More Vegetables" & learning about biointensive gardening. I don't know if I'll use all of the methods it teaches, but the one that I'm trying to implement is a double-dug raised bed. The concept is that if you dig down 2 ft. & help the soil to sort of fluff up, you'll aerate the soil & allow the plants to grow quicker, easier & healthier. It's sort of like making a spongecake out of your soil to help the roots penetrate & gather the most nutrients & moisture they can from the soil.
I have to say that I'm very proud of these beds & nobody really seems to appreciate why. I've spent countless hours digging & my back has paid the price for this endeavor. Looks like a row of dirt to most people, but to me it's my crowning achievement of the date. First, I dug out all of the sod & removed it from the area. That took a couple of months because I'm operating on mommy-time (i.e. dig, shake out dirt from sod, change a diaper, dig, change a diaper, dig, break up a fight, get sippy cups for the bugger, shake dirt from sod... you get the picture).
I'll show you a couple of pix & then write out some of the technique so that maybe, if you're bored with life, or just a devoted gardener-type, you can try it too.