
I've been thinking a lot lately about the Pope's recent visit. It seems to me that what has just happened in our country is the application of neosporin to the beast's deadly wound.

Don't know what I"m talkin' about? Read Revelation 13. For a great study on the beast of Revelation visit: and click on Bible Commentary>Wesley's Explanatory Notes>Revelation>Revelation 13.

It seems as though Protestants' opinion of the Papacy has changed within the last generation or less. Many Christians see the Catholic church as just another denomination & the pope as just another spiritual leader. The Roman Catholic church has made no changes to its beliefs, doctrines, or dogma. What has changed? PROTESTants. We no longer protest. For years Protestants believed as did the reformers (Wycliff, Luther, Wesley, Bunyan, and more like Sir Isaac Newton) that the Roman Catholic church was the beast power of Revelation. Protestants refused association with the Catholic church & recognized that there was a spiritual battle between themselves & the Papacy.

Remember your history classes! Who was the driving force behind the Inquisition? The Crusades? Who kept the world in the Dark Ages for centuries, persecuting anyone who dared to live by conscience and Scripture rather than by Papal mandates? Who claims infallibility? Who claims Diety?

The Bible says "How can two walk together except they agree?" Amos 3:3 and "Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers, for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness, and what communion has light with darkness?" 2 Cor. 6:14.

Don't think that I am condemning all people within the Catholic church. There are many sincere Christians within Catholicism who don't know the full truth. But to Christians within Catholicism, and to Protestants who are aligned with the Papacy God calls, "Come out of her my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes." Rev. 18:4,5

Remember that it is the beast who has declared war on the true followers of Christ. Don't forget that the beast gets its power from the dragon, Satan. There is no commonground between followers of Christ & the Catholic church! The pope's mission trip to the USA signals Christians everywhere that the beast's wound is healing. Beware! Wake up! Satan knows that his time is short. Do you know that time is short? Are you ready to meet God?

Maranatha! (Jesus is Coming Soon)

P.S. I fixed the link!!


Anonymous said…
Hey, that web site you had me go to has been taken off !
It said it was bad !!!
Mom L.
I originally posted this blog on myspace, & then cut & pasted the text onto this blog since most people who visit here don't visit my myspace account. Apparently the html code is redirecting you to myspace instead of the original website. Just type in the website in your navigation bar & it should take you there with no problems. Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm still learning all the tricks of blogging & myspacing!
Timothy said…
Greetings! Saw your post in Google Blogsearch and came to read.

>"what has just happened in our country is the application of neosporin to the beast's deadly wound."

I concur with the idea that our country has been wounded and God applied neosporin via the Popes visit. God being all powerful uses all things to His purpose.

>"Who was the driving force behind the Inquisition?"

You're question indicates you know the myths of the Inquisition versus the facts of the Inquisition. As truth strengthens an arguement while untruths weaken one, the following might prove helpful:

The Real Inquisition

Or, perhaps you were thinking of Fourth or Protestant Inquisition which lived the myths. Early Reformers were not meek, Christ-like persons but murdered hundreds of thousands themselves. Lot of blood on Reformation hands.

>"The Crusades?"

And what, pray tell, was wrong with stopping the invasion of the Western world by Islamic armies?

>"Who kept the world in the Dark Ages for centuries"

Again with the myths. What Dark Ages? The so-called Dark Age was a period of peace where Christianity flourished and there was an explosion of art, literature and science. Read about it:

Whaddaya mean, "Dark" Ages?

>"Who claims infallibility?"

I'll never understand the many folks upset about infallibility considering how common infallibility is in everyday life. Any time one tells the truth, one is infallible (without error). When a two year-old tells the truth, they are infallible. I fail to understand why the Pope can never be infallible, not once.

>"Who claims Diety?"

Um, neither the Pope nor Catholics claim the Pope is a deity. That is only believed and taught by non-Catholics (like yourself).

>"But to Christians within Catholicism, ... God calls, "Come out of her my people,"

First, you keep switching from Roman catholics to catholics and sem unaware that there are 22 distinct and seperate Catholic Churches, the largest of which is the Church at Rome. Are you calling just for catholics under Rome to leave Rome or forall Catholics to leave their respective Churches also? If the second, what's your beef with Melkite Catholics (Church at Antioch), Chaldean Catholics and Syro-Malabar Catholics?

Second, where would you have those 1.1 billion Catholics go? Should they all become Anglicans, Lutherans, Mormons, or Jehovah's Witnesses? Personally, I'd lean to Greek Orthodox which is nearly identical in theology to Rome? Is Orthodox okay? Personally, I find Pope Shenouda of Alexandria a very holy man.

>"Rev. 18:4,5"

First, how can you be absolutely certain that Rev. 18:4,5 is not talking about your own church or denomination? Are you infallible or is the person who taught you infallible?

Second, Catholics also find in the Bible:

Simon Peter answered him, "Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God."
- John 6:68-69

God bless...


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