The Syringe

My kids just can't seem to get enough of the syringe from their doctor play set. I remember having an affinity for the knee hammer as a child & have found that they've removed that item from most doctor play sets. Seems I wasn't the only one! Well, the stethoscope always took a second place for me, when I was a young doctor, but my children are from the era of physicians that is into medicating & vaccinating their patients. And they just love the syringe! Christopher's application of the syringe always makes me cringe (hey, I rhymed). Michael even loves the syringe & has used it, along with the play chicken, in what has become a strange, but favorite family tradition....there's just no way I can explain the experience on a blog.
Well there you have Allen family oddity.


Garden Girl said…
An Allen family oddity? No way! LOL! Just kidding ya, the last statement makes me think of those "as seen on tv" commercials where you marinate the meat with a syringe thingy....

Glad to see some posts from you! Isn't it great to have little helpers around? I love sending Luke down to the storage room for a pantry item or another gallon of milk from the fridge downstairs. The only thing is that I'm probably getting flabby from lack of exercise ;)
i remember the knee hammer all to well (winces)
our kids have a syringe toy too and it's probably one of the more popular toys. funny how they pick up the same thingys.

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