The Big Snow of '08

Our neck of the woods is known for getting lots of rain, not snow so... to us, this was a lot of snow. (I know my SIL, is thinking "wimp!" right about now because she lives in the barren snow-ridden land of Michigan.)
It started off slow, dropped a little, got sunny & really cold (again, we're not known for our cold temps) down to 11 degrees. That made it alot more hospitable climate for more snow to pile up & it did. We ended up with around 3 ft. of snow by the time we flew off to AZ for Christmas. I was glad to get out of the house & see some sunshine! The kids were feeling a little cabin fever too and are total wimps in the snow. The last picture took 3o mins. of prep work, putting on all the layers with total non-compliance on the part of the kids & we were only outside for 5 mins. before they were crying & screaming because their hands or toes were cold. I'm really luck to have caught the fleeting moment on camera!


Lisa said…
Ha ha ha!! Welcome to my world! You're not wimps! No really! Okay... maybe I was thinking that just a little... I'm sure those thoughts are really just based in jealousy because I hate living where we have snow for 6 months. Don't come visit between the months of Nov - March. October is great for the first half, second half is taking a gamble. April-May are iffy, June is nice, July and August are pretty good but humid, and Sept. is potato month!

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