My parents always like to give big gifts for Christmas. I remember one year, when we all agreed on only doing stockings. Well, my parents, true to form, got the biggest stockings on the market & filled them with gifts for us. This year was no exception. This year they got us kids two big presents. Although they weren't the type of gifts that you could wrap they were very cool! This post covers the first gift: a trip for the family to the Wildlife World Zoo!
We took a train ride to see some of the African wildlife. Setty was all excited but she couldn't figure out if the train was James or Percy.We rode a carousel...a first for many of the kids. I'm not sure what Abby's take on the carousel ride was, but it looks like Nicole was having fun! Actually, I think she was just keeping a positive mental outlook, those things are hard on adults!
Papa & Isaac on the Skyride. They got to fly over the park & see the sights from the heights. Michael & Setty and Andrew & Chloe also went on the Skyride. It was a cold, but sunny day & we finished off the day with the aquarium that was also part of the zoo. It was nice & warm indoors!!