All Dressed Up
I wanted to take a picture of the kids all dressed up after church, but it's a bit of a fiasco getting them both to cooperate with the idea. This is probably the best shot of them both together that I could get. They still look cute, and they match. I bought Lissette's dress because it had long sleeves, and for some reason, unbeknown to me, the clothing industry thinks that little girls should have short-sleeved dresses for winter. Odd! Even stranger to me is that Easter always falls in March or April, still pretty chilly, but the clothing industry seems to think that for Easter the girls should have sleeveless dresses. Why is the clothing industry so off when it comes to our weather in North America? Is it because they are based in the southern hemisphere? If you know the answer to this musing of mine, please pass on any relevant info.
Another question for the clothing industry: If we are supposed to wear black dress shoes until Memorial Day (who came up with that rule anyway?) then why do they sell white shoes and gloves, etc for Easter. That's at least a month premature! See what happens when you get into my mind? Does anyone else out there have questions about the clothing industry, or am I alone in my musings?
The clothing industry wants more of your money so that is why they sell little white sweaters to wear over your sleeveless Easter dresses.
As for the no white before Memorial Day question, I believe that rule is no longer in effect.
My two favorite places for Christmas & Easter dresses? TJ Max and the local consignment shop :)