The Little Guy Turns 2
Well, Christopher's 2nd birthday passed without any hoopdelah. Poor little man had the stomach flu. We were hoping to celebrate his birthday this weekend, but then I caught it too & he got shipped off to Grandma's house with his sis. But I didn't want to pass by this milestone without sending out at least an online "Praise the Lord for Christopher!"
The past 2 years have flown by & he has changed so much. He is turning into such a sweet young guy, full of love & affection. I took these pictures of him in his church outfit. Michael & I thought that he looked like a disgruntled blackjack dealer in his little outfit, with his little stink face.
He is a big boy now. His vocabulary includes anything that you ask him to parrot back, but he is still a man of few words. Something that, I think, might be part of his character coming through. He loves to sing and dance, play in the dirt & mud, chase his sister around the house on his tractor, and cuddle. While he is growing fast, it seems that Mama's kiss can still fix any booboo & the only decent place to spend waking up is in Mama's arms. I love that little boy!
I miss them a lot today. I'm stuck in bed with WiFi & getting lots of R&R. But nothing seems to satisfy like my little buggers close by me with all of their snot & whining, and cuteness!
So, Praise the Lord for Christopher! And the 2 years of beautiful life that God has given us with him! May he grow to be like Daniel, Abraham & Joseph. May he be blessed with long life, health & wisdom. May he live to be a blessing to God, full of compassion, mercy & zeal to the Lord!
I wish I could of been there for his birthday !
Love, Mom 2-Lip