My New Purpose
I've decided that I'm going to take the kids hiking at least once a week. I want to ingrain into their characters a love for nature, and the Creator. I also want them to become people who are outdoorsy and active. In order to do that, I've got to get out there with them while they are young and impressionable. I love hiking and being in nature, and I wouldn't be that kind of person, if we hadn't grown up in nature, and going for hikes.
I was a little nervous about going out with the kids by myself, but I realized that I'm not alone & the kids are more than able to hike 2 miles at a time. We've had a couple of great adventures already, and I'll share some of them with you in the next few posts.
This hike was to Wahclella Falls. It is in Oregon near the Bonneville Dam. I think the hike was about 3 miles round trip, but I'm too lazy to jump up and grab the guidebook to find out for sure.