My Honey Man

Our anniversary is coming up in May & I was determined this year that I wasn't going to get Michael another crappy anniversary gift from Walmart, while he got me something thoughtful. I got started early & did some research online for my honey hunch. I remembered that Michael has always talked about having his own honeybees & thought that it would be a cool to produce our own honey. Not to mention the fact that our honeybee population is declining & more backyard apiarists are needed. I knew that he'd never suspect that I'd bought him a hive!

After logging several hours online researching, I found a cute little hive kit that had most of what he needed to get started. It's got a beautiful copper roof, so it looks pretty in the yard too.

It was delivered last week & since it was too big to hide & there is a window of time to order bees this season, I let him open it right away. He loved it!! "It's a hit!" The kit came complete with a book & instructional DVD & several important tools. He's excited to learn as much as he can & buy the bees to populate our new sustainable living adventure.


Garden Girl said…
Way cool! I'd love to have bees - and chickens btw. Chickens the city won't allow but maybe bees?

Anyway, good job on the anniversary gift!
Unknown said…
Hi April,

Clever idea
Your uncle Donald has been beekeeping for years. Perhaps he can give you advice. We stopped at a farmer's market this weekend and picked up honey. Tom said your grandfather had a hive.

Happy Anniversary. I remember your beautiful wedding day. Hard to believe it was a decade ago.
Boy I wish time would
s l o w down.

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